Your gift makes a difference today in the lives of those affected by violence.  Every dollar counts! image

Your gift makes a difference today in the lives of those affected by violence. Every dollar counts!

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$56,390 raised

$86,000 goal

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Year end giving, saving a life today through your generosity!

The mission of Safe Passage is to provide safety, education, and empowerment to victims of violence and to the community.

Violence doesn't discriminate. Presently we are serving one child per day that is referred to us through Law Enforcement or Child Protective Services at our Children's Advocacy Center. These children have experienced sexual abuse or domestic violence. In addition to seeing 1 child per day, we are responding to 1 call/day from the Emergency Department as we provide an advocate for the individual who just survived a sexual assault or domestic abuse, stalking, or human trafficking. Your generosity helps provide these critical resources and more.

Trauma counseling and legal advocacy is vital as survivors work to rebuild their lives. Educating in the middle and high schools with our Healthy Relationships curriculum will help stop the cycle of abuse from continuing as students learn boundaries, what to do if they witness violence, and so much more.

Now, more than ever, we must come together as a community to support our mission. Every dollar donated can provide a safe haven for a survivor, offering them a chance to rebuild their lives and break free from the chains of violence. Let us stand united against domestic and sexual violence, ensuring that no one in North Idaho lives in fear. Your contribution can make a difference, bringing light and hope to those who need it most.

Support Safe Passage while providing tax relief for you and your loved ones. Money held in real estate, life insurance policies, publicly traded stock, mutual funds or other appreciated assets can be designated tax-free to create a transformational impact. To learn more, connect with Leslie Johnson at 208.664.9303 or